Services of international cargo transportation of various cargo by road

Transport containers

General containers: 10ft – 20ft – 30ft – 40ft – 45ft – Flexi containers – tank containers – reefer containers – flat rack containers.


Refrigerated transport

Refrigerated domestic and international transport, at controlled temperature refrigeration/freezing and ambient environment.

Tarpaulin transport

Transport of goods in groupage or full truck mode, anywhere in Europe! Affordable prices, fast and 100% safe! You can count on us!

Oversized trailer

Oversized transport with trailers of different types & sizes! We transport agricultural and industrial machinery. Affordable prices!


Advantages of collaborating with us

  • we offer safety & promptness
  • we have a NON-STOP dedicated dispatcher
  • we transport maritime containers
  • we carry out oversized transport
  • we only hire professional drivers
  • we are 100% dedicated
  • the prices are affordable
  • we invest in high-performance trucks & trailers

+30 modern trucks

We invest in modern trucks and expand the car fleet in order to comply with the legislative requirements and the requests of our collaborators. We will always be at the top and in the top of the preferences of companies that need excellent services!

Excellence & performance in transport

„Avem peste 100 de colaboratori care ne recomanda serviciile si suntem extrem de fericiti sa transportam peste 15.000 de tone de marfuri in fiecare luna. Puteti conta pe noi, fiindca mereu vom fi: prompti, profesionisti si dedicati fiecarui client in parte. Investim in camioane de ultima generatie, pregatim soferii prin metode proprii de conducere defensiva si eco-friendly si nu in ultimul rand: alocam timp si resurse, pentru a fi mai rapizi si mai eficienti, in fiecare zi!”


Turcu PetruCEO