We are hiring professional drivers

We hire professional drivers for international goods transport. Our company offers you advantageous salary packages and benefits beyond your expectations! We guarantee you a professional working environment and we offer you all the support to feel safe and appreciated, in the EURO TUR CREW team!


It constitutes an advantage:
- to speak English
- refrigerated transport experience
- experience in oversized transport
- international freight transport experience


Call us now: +4 0754 869 904


We are looking for serious, calm and responsible people! Our team is carefully selected, because we want to offer our collaborators, exceptional services! Our requirements for employment are simple, our seriousness is maximum!

Excellence & performance in transport

„Avem peste 100 de colaboratori care ne recomanda serviciile si suntem extrem de fericiti sa transportam peste 15.000 de tone de marfuri in fiecare luna. Puteti conta pe noi, fiindca mereu vom fi: prompti, profesionisti si dedicati fiecarui client in parte. Investim in camioane de ultima generatie, pregatim soferii prin metode proprii de conducere defensiva si eco-friendly si nu in ultimul rand: alocam timp si resurse, pentru a fi mai rapizi si mai eficienti, in fiecare zi!”


Turcu PetruCEO