We transport the following types of maritime containers:
➜ general containers 10ft + 20 ft +30 ft + 40 ft +45 ft
➜ flexi containers NON ADR
➜ tank containers NON ADR
➜ reefer containers with / without Gen-set
➜ flat rack containers
We have over 10 years of experience in the transport & handling of maritime containers. You can count on us in any situation!
Refrigerated transport
We offer frozen and refrigerated transport services, domestic and international, with trailers equipped with temperature controlled systems between -20 and +25 degrees Celsius and temperature charts.
International refrigerated transport, in conditions of maximum cleanliness, safety and professionalism, with 22-ton trucks, modern and equipped with a double floor.

Tarpaulin transport
From the very beginning, we set out to offer exceptional transport services! We have +30 modern trucks, equipped with the latest technologies for transport, location & cargo insurance and we dedicate ourselves NON-STOP to our clients and collaborations. Our internal dispatch service is trained to create efficient connections between transport routes & well-trained drivers.
EURO TUR CREW is definitely the transport company you are looking for and on which you can rely for long-term collaborations!
Oversized trailer
We carry out specialized oversized road transports, with the latest generation trailers and trucks! We transport agricultural and industrial machinery, domestically and internationally.
EURO TUR CREW is a company with +10 years of experience in the field of oversized transport and we always guarantee you a transparent collaboration, based on negotiation & continuous adaptation to your requirements.

Excellence & performance in transport
„Avem peste 100 de colaboratori care ne recomanda serviciile si suntem extrem de fericiti sa transportam peste 15.000 de tone de marfuri in fiecare luna. Puteti conta pe noi, fiindca mereu vom fi: prompti, profesionisti si dedicati fiecarui client in parte. Investim in camioane de ultima generatie, pregatim soferii prin metode proprii de conducere defensiva si eco-friendly si nu in ultimul rand: alocam timp si resurse, pentru a fi mai rapizi si mai eficienti, in fiecare zi!”
Turcu Petru – CEO